Sunday 22 June 2014

What has my heart racing this summer?

I'm not even going to entertain the idea of reviewing Emily Bronte. In fact, to do so would be nothing short of blasphemy. So instead I'm going to rave about the gorgeous cover art instead because lets face it, it is beyond beautiful!

I stumbled across this little gem in Waterstones a month or so ago while shopping, and straight away I knew I had to have it. At first glance I actually thought that it was a graphic novel adaptation of Bronte's stunning novel but when I realised it was in fact, an unabridged copy of Wuthering Heights, and I saw the gorgeous distressed paper inside it had stolen my heart. And my bank balance (ok, slight exaggeration, it wasn't that expensive but still). 

Its stunning cover art is part of a Penguin Classics Deluxe Collection, and they have employed the creative genius that is Ruben Toledo to re-design the covers of the classics in a multitude of different mediums - watercolour, pencil and ink to name but a few.

I'm about half way through at the moment, and this being my first time reading the timeless classic, I am thoroughly enjoying it. 
Normal service will resume shortly however, where I will be reviewing a brilliant summer beach read, stay tuned!

Saturday 21 June 2014

Requiem - Lauren Oliver

I had to mentally prepare myself for this one for a while. I knew after how devastated I was after Delirium, and a certain someone's return in Pandemonium that I would be needing a mansize box of tissues and an industrial supply of chocolate to get through this. 

It was what I can only describe as a fairly perfect ending to a wonderful trilogy, and one that will stay with me for a long while. Although perhaps not as resolved as I wish it could have been (I really wanted to know what happened with the whole Lena - Alex - Julian love triangle we had going on) it was an absolutely perfect tale of the human race combining together to overthrow the wrong decisions made for them by a government with entirely the wrong morals and ideas, and the show of solidarity was heartwarming and uplifting. 

We join Lena at the beginning of the story after she leaves New York with Julian, and Alex. This becomes difficult for all in the group as the tension between her and Alex, and subsequently the tension between her and Julian, and of course Julian and Alex, grows.

When they land themselves in trouble in the Wilds and have to flee from a group of regulators, they find themselves part of a large resistance headed back to Lena's original home, Portland.

Lena is then faced with the difficult decision, does she fight for what she believes in, at what cost none of them know. Or does she secrete herself further into the Wilds to live a solitary life of survival and supposed freedom?

I didn't actually cry this time (weird right? Especially as I didn't cry at City of Heavenly Fire either!!) but there were some incredibly emotional scenes, and Oliver gives the characters new depths which makes their relationships even more believable. I loved the return of Hana in the narrative, and especially enjoyed the chapters from her point of view, and seeing that the Cure really isn't everything the government thought it would be. Seeing her struggle with her reality, and what she knows her reality should be was a particularly deep section of the book, and I found it well represented the agony when you realise that your life isn't perhaps going in the direction you wished it to yet you don't know how to change it (something I'm currently going through myself). So overall I guess you could say this whole trilogy for me was a resounding success. It goes onto my Forever Pile, in other words its a trilogy I will read over and over again until I'm old and grey.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Being Binky - Binky Felstead

Firstly, please ignore the terrible picture, I really need to start getting decent cover images off the internet and perhaps looking at a new Blogger layout, but for the time being this method will have to do.

SO, where to begin? Well, first of all I'd say for anyone who isn't a fan of Made in Chelsea, or indeed Binky herself, this may be a slightly pointless read for you. Now that that's said, I can get on with a proper review!

I've previously reviewed 'Confessions of a Chelsea Boy' (see here) by Spencer Matthews, and although I enjoyed the read as a whole, I found the actual writing rather lacking, and was expecting something similar of Being Binky, so I was pleasantly surprised to find the writing actually very good. 

She drew me in, rather unexpectedly, from the very first page, and I actually whizzed through the book in just over a day. I loved hearing all about her childhood and her close relationship with her Mother, which we see quite a lot on the show, and as a huge Made in Chelsea fan I loved hearing about how she actually got on the show, and the real truth about her friendships off screen. 

I also loved that she included hair, beauty and lifestyle tips at the end of each chapter - and I found things like her anti bullying tips particularly relevant. I think it was a really nice touch, and it's something that will definitely help younger fans of the show who may be going through things like that themselves.

I actually found quite a lot of the book quite emotional, especially how up-front she is about the breakdown of her parents marriage and the bullying that she experienced at school.

It also gave me a whole new found respect for how hard Binky has worked in her life to overcome challenges, and how perhaps life in the glare of the cameras isn't always what it's cracked up to be.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Frostbite - Richelle Mead

Ok so, I wasn't sure what I was going to think of Frostbite. I've previously reviewed the first in the 'Vampire Academy' series named, well, Vampire Academy, and I wasn't impressed (you can read my review for that here) so I was pretty dubious that the sequel would be any good at all.

How wrong I was. Admittedly, I read the first chapter and all I could think was 'this reminds me of one of those last time on.... spiels you get at the start of TV shows' but it was quite good to get a recap of what happened to Rose and Lissa in the last book, and went a long way to reminding you of close character relationships.

In Frostbite, we see Rose about to be tested as part of her guardian training, by one of the most legendary guardians alive, however she turns up to the house she's to be tested at with Dimitri to find the guardian and his Moroi family murdered by what appears to be a marauding band of Strigoi. It becomes even more alarming when they discover that humans are working alongside the Strigoi in an attempt to annihilate the Moroi royal families for good.

It's almost Christmas, and the Moroi world is in uproar with families scared to leave their children at the Academy, but knowing they all need to stick together - so the students of the Academy and their parents head to a remote ski resort owned by a particularly wealthy Moroi royal family for a winter vacation none of them will forget. 

I really enjoyed this book - it drew me in much quicker than its predecessor, and although I really, really hate the names 'Moroi' and 'Strigoi' (they just sound too, made up I guess. Which they are but yeah, it bothers me) the quality of writing had improved much more as well, which all clubbed together to draw me into the fabulous world of the Academy.

I began to really care what happened to these characters - I wouldn't go as far to say that I was emotionally involved with them yet, but the events with Mason saddened me somewhat and I'm keen to see how Adrian brings some drama to the group. I also like that Mia has begun to mellow, and I feel like her and Rose are going to have a particularly interesting relationship as the series progresses.

I made a comment in my last review that I hoped Richelle's writing would mature with the series, and so far it definitely has done. I'm actually really looking forward to reading the next installment now, and I'm also quite excited to see the film eventually.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

City of Heavenly Fire - Cassandra Clare

First of all I want to keep this as spoiler free as possible, however there are a few little ones here and there so if you have not read the book yet please read no further!! Unless that is, you're a glutton for punishment like I was whilst reading Game of Thrones when I could just not help myself looking at the GOT tag on Tumblr and ended up ruining half the series for myself...

Anyway, I literally do not know where to start with this book! It's been the main focus of my thoughts for months now, and after Cassandra Clare announced that there would be six known character deaths I have been in a constant state of anxiety. I had such problems actually getting my hands on a copy of the book to begin with, with my Amazon delivery being delayed by weeks and all book shops in my area selling out within hours (who new Chester had such a strong shadowhunter presence?) so I was about a week later than everyone else actually getting to read it, but it was so worth the wait. Even if it did mean I had to avoid Tumblr and Twitter like the plague. 

So, as I said in my intro, there will be a few small spoilers and I really don't want to ruin this book for anyone so seriously guys if you don't want any snippets of CoHF gossip yet then I really suggest you stop reading now because I'm about to let slip the first little nugget of information...

The prologue. Oh by the Angel, the prologue. Possibly one of the most heart wrenchingly (is that even a word?!) introductions to any book I have ever read, introduced me to what may possibly be one of my favourite characters ever. Emma Carstairs leaves me greatly excited for what Cassie has planned for us in The Dark Artifices (WHY IS IT NOT 2015 YET!?) but then I have always been partial to the Carstairs family (Jem *swoon* <3) Speaking of Jem, his involvement the whole way through City of Heavenly Fire made me almost vibrate with glee, I do so love that boy. 

I was slightly disappointed that Cassandra had announced further Shadowhunter Chronicles after The Mortal Instruments as it gave you, as you read the book, an indication of the way things were going to pan out so I felt like I was less emotionally invested in the events and less anxious for the characters than I would have been had I been unaware there were more shadowhunter stories to come. I do however feel like it was possibly the best written of all the Mortal Instruments books, but it just wasn't as emotional as I'd expected. I mean, it's probably a good thing that I haven't been a weeping wreck for days, and of course I'm devastated that the series is over and I did find certain parts of the book very emotional, but I didn't cry.

I felt like she could have made a little more of the battle as well, obviously the main protagonists were in Edom at the time but I think there was an opportunity missed there for some really engaging combat action, and more could have been made of the scene with Julian Blackthorn and his father in Alicante. All in all though it was a fabulous conclusion to a series that has touched my heart unlike any other (aside from Harry Potter of course!). The snippet of TDA at the end of the book has left me excited for more and I'm already on countdown to next Autumn and my next shadowhunter fix.

So I'm now going to crawl into a pit of despair and lick the wounds caused by an absence of Jace Herondale and Jem Carstairs in my life, and eagerly shout 'DEMON POX' and random passers by until TDA is released and my life is filled with magic again.

Monday 2 June 2014

Pandemonium - Lauren Oliver

Apologies for how long this review has taken to appear, I finished the book weeks ago however I have been re-reading the last few books in The Mortal Instruments series in preparation for City of Heavenly Fire being released. (Seriously guys, omg. Buy it. Just, I can't.) 

I was so, so excited to read Pandemonium, anticipating that it would leave me an emotional wreck just like its predecessor, Delirium. I was slightly disappointed then, on finishing it, that I hadn't been drawn to tears. I did however thoroughly enjoy it.

I didn't really know what to expect from the story, only that it would take place in the Wilds, so the introduction of New York City as a new setting was both surprising and welcome. I really got behind the love interest in this sequel, although I will never get over Lena and Alex, I thought there was some really interesting progression in the relationship between her and Julian. I read someone on GoodReads making the point that Lena seems to take over the role of Alex in Pandemonium, and therefore Julian becomes Lena (based on relationship roles in Delirium) and I find this really interesting as it throws a whole new understanding to their relationship.

I absolutely cannot wait to read Requiem now, and it won't be too long before I devour it (I just have to read and recover from City of Heavenly Fire first) especially due to the beautiful and unexpected little twist at the very end of Pandemonium

I guess once again this is a book I would recommend to anyone and everyone!

Sunday 18 May 2014

The Shock of the Fall - Nathan Filer

This was another of my lunch time trip to Tesco book binges, and my God am I glad I picked it up.

I wasn't going to at first. Judging from the title I immediately thought that it would be some lovey-dovey chick lit, and although I do adore me some chick lit, I wasn't in the mood for it at the time. Something still encouraged me to pick it up however, and I was immediately drawn to it.

The story follows Matthew Homes (although that's not his real name, he is keen to tell us) and his struggle with schizophrenia triggered at a young age by the death of his disabled brother. He lives his life believing that his brother's death was his fault, and it haunts him so much that he begins seeing his brother, and messages from him in every day life.

We meet Matthew at a day centre in his local psychiatric ward, where he has been encouraged to express himself through creativity. He decides to use the computer to type out his story, I believe as a form of relief from the storm inside his head.

Filer was very ambitious with this as a debut novel. In my view, writing a story devoted to mental illness is incredibly brave - especially if you've never suffered from said illness yourself. Filer managed to weave one of the most beautiful stories that I have ever read however, and create a character with such depth and personality that you can truly believe that Matthew's story is one that is very important to Filer, and that needs to be told. 

I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this book - it's not the lengthiest of reads, I think I finished it in a couple of days as I was reading it around work and dance practice, and it's not the lightest of literary topics, however as I mentioned above it really is heartwarming in its own way, and in particular the final chapter will really resonate with those who have lost a loved one themselves.

It has won the Costa Book of the Year award for 2013, and I really do think it's very deserving of this accolade - I hope it encourages more authors brave the subject of mental illness in such a respectful manner in the future.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell

Ok so first of all, I have decided to change my font for the blog because I can no longer stand to look at Helvetica for a particularly long period of time. 

Now onto the important stuff - Fangirl. I'd heard about it on Tumblr, as I hear about many of my books, and several times I picked it up in book shops or put it in my Amazon cart and then decided not to actually buy it after all, due to money, time, or my ever increasing TBR pile. Then one day I was feeling frivolous and my hand just happened to slip on the 'purchase' button and two days later this little beauty dropped through my letter box.

I haven't devoured a book like this in a long time. I was hooked from the first page, the first moment in fact that we are introduced to Cath, mainly because I saw so much of myself in her. Every situation she got herself in, her social ineptness, her complete disbelief that a member of the opposite sex could actually find her attractive, plus her total and utter obsession with Simon Snow - essentially the 'Harry Potter' series equivalent - all combined to make her a carbon copy of me. Aside from the whole identical twin sister situation...

This is my first novel of Rainbow's that I have read, and I'm now itching to read her others. I found her style of writing totally engaging, she painted such a vivid picture of her characters and it was obvious that she truly knew them inside and out. She not only gave me a thoroughly enjoyable reading experience, but she also greatly inspired me with my own writing, and it's made me take a step back to examine how well I know my own characters, and how convincing they truly are. 

There are so many adorable moments in this novel, so many that almost made me cry, and so many that were totally and completely heartwarming - it truly was a book that I myself could only dream of writing. I actually now want to write Fangirl fan-fiction (yes apparently it exists). 

I would honestly recommend this book to anyone - I think it's the perfect novel for this time of year if you're looking for something engaging and cheerful to read on holiday or whilst sunbathing (fat chance of that in England!!).

Monday 5 May 2014

Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead

Ok, so I'm not too sure where to start with this one. I actually finished reading it weeks ago and meant to update with a review straight away but then life got in the way like it has a habit of doing, and now I've sat down to write it and honestly, I can't think of one defining thing about the book to talk about. 

It took me forever to get into to begin with, and I really didn't enjoy Mead's writing style. Although if you asked me to explain why, I would have a serious problem trying to put it into words. 

Admittedly as it went on it did get better, and towards the end of the book I did begin to get sucked into the narrative, I just didn't care about the characters which I think is so important for me with books. I like to get so totally sucked in by them that I'm reading until the early hours of the morning every morning because I really just need to know what happens right now. And that didn't happen with Vampire Academy. 

If I'm honest, I wouldn't bother reading the rest of the series if I hadn't bought them as a box set from Amazon. I'm hoping that as the series progresses, I get more into the narrative, and perhaps start to enjoy Mead's style of writing. 

I know that the 'long anticipated' film is coming out at some point this year, and no doubt I'll end up going to see that too as I always do like to check out book-film adaptations. Maybe I've been a little harsh in this review, here's hoping I'm surprised by the next installment.

Saturday 3 May 2014

Delivery Day!

So, I have been rather quiet recently, and for that I should apologise. I have been mainly re-reading my favourite series of books (aside from Harry Potter) The Mortal Instruments, as the final book (City of Heavenly Fire) is to be released at the end of the month. 

I have however kept up with my near incessant purchase of books. I'm actually at the stage now where my To Be Read pile has grown that dramatically that I'm not sure I need to buy any more books this year, of course that won't stop me, much to my parents' dismay. 

I have also been working more on my debut novel, fine tuning the first few chapters and working out where everything is going to happen later in the book. I have trouble usually with the middle sections of stories in the sense that I know what's going to happen, and I know how it happens (roughly) but I never know exactly how to pad it out, so I have bought Ready, Set, Novel! in the hopes that it can help me work out more about my book as I work through it. This is going to be my summer project, ready to start work on it this autumn. I have also signed up to study a BA Hons in English Literature and Creative Writing at the Open University starting in October, so I will be a very busy bee.

The next book on my list to read is Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I have been looking for something a little more light hearted than my recent foray into the supernatural YA novels for which I have a penchant. This one has had my eye for months now, so I eventually caved and bought it. I'm incredibly excited to get reading. I also have the sequel to Delirium (my number one book of the year so far) Pandemonium ready to read afterwards which I know already is going to emotionally destroy me. Requiem (of the same series) is in the pile along with The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer, an impulse buy one day recently in Tesco. I also found the most beautiful copy of Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte which I couldn't help but buy today, so of course, that will be devoured in due course.

Finally, my best friends know me better than anyone else, and for my (belated) birthday present, one of them bought me the box set of the Mistborn trilogy to sink my teeth into-as you can imagine I'm very excited for this, particularly as fantasy is one of my absolute favourite genres. This is however, the very tip of the iceberg where my To Be Read list is concerned, and I'm looking forward into delving further into it with you all at my side.

Expect to hear much more of me in the next few months!

Saturday 26 April 2014

Life After Life - Kate Atkinson

"What if you had the chance to live your life again and again, until you finally got it right?"

The tagline alone, when I read the blurb for Life After Life, made me realise that I absolutely had to read this book, and I am so, so glad I have done. 

It's been on my TBR (to be read) pile for a good few weeks/months now as I've had such a large quantity of books that have been waiting to be read, so when I finally picked it up last week I was incredibly excited. 

The concept of being able to go back and try again is something that has been in my head for years. I spent the majority of my teenage years suffering from very bad depression, so I barely lived. I shut myself away from all society and just tried to get by on a day to day basis. I also made some shockingly bad decisions. I would do anything to be able to go back and have these years again, to do things right and eliminate some of the mistakes I've made, because I know my life would be so much different now if I could. 

So with this in mind when I began the book, I got immediately sucked into Atkinson's beautiful portrayal of English country living in the 20's and 30's. Her vivid protagonist, Ursula, was wonderfully easy to identify with on a personal level, and seeing the world through her eyes was absolutely fascinating. Atkinson's attention to detail on a historical level (especially in her descriptions of pre-WW2 Germany and the time Ursula spends with Adolf Hitler) are stupendous, and her descriptions of the Blitz in London actually left me in tears on more than one occasion. 

Although this deviates completely in genre from what I normally read, I would honestly not hesitate to recommend it to anyone. My friends quite frequently look to me for book recommendations, and this will be another one passed around our little group-I'm interested in getting their perspective on what is now one of my favourite stories to have read this year. 

It has now been several hours since I finished the book, and although I have physically closed it and put it back on the shelf, it is still at the forefront of my mind, sticking with me in the way that only very special books do. It is definitely worthy of the title of Costa Novel Award Winner 2013, and I will now be eagerly anticipating further novels from Atkinson in the future.

Thursday 24 April 2014


I just wanted to write a quick apology for not being particularly active over the last few weeks. I've been having some personal stuff going on at home but regular service will resume shortly!

I have also been re-reading series, and reading sequels to books already reviewed on here. I decided, for fear of giving away spoilers, that I wouldn't necessarily review any sequels to major novels until the hype around them has died down a little (basically the Divergent trilogy) as I don't want to go giving away spoilers to those who haven't read the books yet. 

I have had yet another influx of new books though, I'm excited for myself.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Fallen - Lauren Kate

I had mixed feelings about this book. I was excited to buy it and to start it, however I then read so many people on Twitter and Tumblr saying how they were bored by the series and disappointed that I started to worry that I may have wasted my money. 

I'm glad to report however that I thoroughly enjoyed it! I found the concept quite different in comparison to the usual 'dark fantasy' novels I have read, with a completely different take on the guardian angel theme. 

I was initially drawn to the book due to reviewers claiming they had found it both 'scary' and 'unsettling'. Unfortunately this is something I can't agree with, although it did have me hooked from start to finish, and there were some unexpected twists.

Kate managed to create characters who were more than your usual nondescript female who falls in love with the dark brooding male. Admittedly, there is a dark brooding male (insert tongue out emoticon here) however the character is a lot more than your typical two dimensional male protagonist, and that is where I got drawn in. 

I'm not one for writing hugely long and in depth reviews, mainly due to not wanting to give out too many spoilers, but I'd definitely recommend readers giving this a go if they haven't done before. Whether or not you're initially drawn to the book, I think it has a lot more to offer than meets the eye and I'm excited to read the rest of the series.

This has not been my best review. I am ashamed.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Paper Towns - John Green

I had been mulling over whether or not to read this book for a while. I'd been so enchanted with previous novels of Green's that I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy this quite as much. I like to think of John green as an author who, in many years to come, will be considered an iconic author of our time simply for his ability to make every single character he writes completely identifiable, even if you have absolutely nothing in common with them; for example, Hazel in The Fault in our Stars.

The book did have a slow start in my opinion, and I spent the first few chapters idly wondering whether it was going to take off at all or if I was going to have to struggle through to the end. I am pleased to announce however that it did pick up, although it didn't have me truly gripped until the last few chapters.

As with most John Green books, the action of finishing the book, closing it and laying it down next to me brought about such an intense feeling of satisfaction. I seem to get this with each of his novels-although I can't quite put my finger on what the feeling truly is. I say satisfaction, but in reality it is so much more. I feel happy, content, accomplished, relaxed-the list goes on, and I think it's so brilliant that one author has the power to make you feel so at one with the world, despite the ending of his novel not necessarily being a happy one. 

Green manages to perfectly capture the awkward late teenage years when you're trying to discover who you truly are and show the world that you've got it all figured out, whereas in reality you're a hormone addled wreck who can only think of sex and relationships and when that homework assignment was actually due in. Reading his novels makes me so nostalgic for my own teenage years, but because he doesn't paint these years as perfection with happy endings and everything working out in the end, it makes me feel so much better about my own mistakes, and I think this is the true beauty. 

John Green really does portray the world we live in with complete, brutal honesty and this is something that should be applauded and encouraged.

(I realised this has become less of a review than a massive fan post dedicated to John Green so, for want of coming across as a completely embarrassing super fan, go read the book it's good. I promise.) 

Saturday 1 March 2014

Delirium - Lauren Oliver

 I first heard about Delirium after stumbling across a fan blog on Tumblr and was immediately engaged by the concept. I then stumbled across it in W H Smiths last weekend and it was the last copy and of course I determined that it was fate for me to bring it home. 

I then spent the next week in severe emotional trauma at the hands of Lauren Oliver. 

I haven't cried while reading a book since first reading The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices (Cassandra Clare, The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones now available on Blu Ray and DVD) however I was up until the early hours of the morning several times this week with tears running down my face while reading this stunning story of love, freedom and determination to beat the odds.

I have heard rumours that Delirium has been commissioned for a TV series in the USA, and therefore I don't want to give too much of the story away, however I will give a brief synopsis for those wishing to read the book. 

Lena is a young girl growing up in the city of Portland, USA. The book is set in a future where love has been identified as a disease, fences surround cities to keep out the infected, while those inside undergo a procedure to cure themselves of love after their high school education is finished. They are then matched with a partner and sent off to begin their lives together. 

Until the cure, girls and boys remain segregated from one another, contact of any kind with an uncured is illegal, and love is punishable by death. Lena and her friend Hana live their lives within in the rules until the summer of their cure, when Lena meets Alex. 

I found the story both heartwarming and emotional. Lena and Alex were characters I could really get behind, their fight for freedom and what they believe in was inspiring and since finishing the book although I was a crying wreck for a while after putting it down it's left me in a weirdly positive mindset for the last few days. 

This is without doubt the best book I've read so far in 2014. I know we're only at the start of the year but I definitely think that it will be a hard one to top.

Friday 21 February 2014


So today I may have gotten a little carried away in WH Smiths and also on Amazon, but I think I probably speak for a lot of people when I say there is really nothing better than a new book day. Most people probably get like this over clothes (I kinda do as well, and don't get me started on buying new makeup) but nothing makes me happier than a massive stack of new books. To go with my other growing stack of new books. I'm pretty sure I could now open a library. 

1. Delirium - I will admit to being heavily influenced by other fiction enthusiasts when it comes to books. Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly capable of finding new books by myself, but if I find someone obsessing over something on Tumblr, it definitely makes me very curious to try it myself, especially if there is a strong fanbase behind it. Delirium is one of these occasions, I was going to order it off Amazon last week but for some reason didn't, then I stumbled across it today and it was the last copy and of course I made some excuse involving fate just to justify spending more money. I am SO excited to read it. 

2. Vampire Academy series - I have a friend who I used to work with, with an almost identical taste in books to me. She has spent most of the last couple of weeks going crazy for these books, so when I saw the box set on sale I figured I'd be stupid to not buy them. I'm a little apprehensive that they may turn out a little 'Twilight-y' as they're centered around vampires but even if this is the case I will definitely give them a go. I cannot possibly leave a book unread, no matter how much it may or may not appeal to me once it's sat on my bookshelf. 

3. Fallen & Torment - These were two books that I picked up on a whim when I was in WH Smiths this afternoon. I almost bought the entire series but I had just spent £100 on makeup about 10 minutes earlier and figured I should probably try and restrain myself a little, so I settled for two instead. I thought that was a personal achievement for me as I was in the mood to buy the entire bookshop. From what I could gather from the blurb, these books focus around angels, a supernatural theme which I find hasn't been represented much in fiction in comparison to the vampires and werewolves that have taken over since the birth of Twilight. I have a feeling that I will have two new fictional characters to fall in love with and cry over now, and I am sure we will all bear the brunt of my emotional trauma over the next few weeks. 

I now have to make sure I don't buy any new books for a while. I literally have an entire desk and a whole shelf of my bookshelf full of unread books from as far back as 2012 to get through. I have an awful habit of just buying and buying books and not getting round to reading all the ones I already have, so the next few months will be a bit of a test for me.

I also need about 8 more bookshelves to store them. Or a whole room dedicated to them-the sooner I get my own place the better!

Thursday 20 February 2014

Divergent - Veronica Roth

Divergent has been all over my Twitter and Tumblr feeds for a long time. So much so, that I was debating avoiding everything to do with it as I really did not need to become emotionally invested in more fictional characters, however, with a much anticipated movie adaptation taking to the big screen this year, I thought it would do me no harm to see what all the fuss was about. 

I was wrong. It was a bad idea, because now not only do I have to worry about the impending final installment of The Mortal Instruments hitting shelves this spring, I also have to worry about how they will portray my new favourites Tris and Four, and whether or not I will hate
the actor doomed to play Peter as much as I hate the poor guy who plays Joffery in Game of Thrones (I'm sure in reality he's a lovely guy but seriously, Joffery is the worst). 

Anyway, I digress. Divergent was always for me going to be one of those books which either lives up to the hype and possibly even exceeds it, leaving me in a weeping mess in the corner of my room after the final page has been turned and possibly screaming to the sky whilst mascara runs dramatically down my face, OR I could be incredibly disappointed, wondering why on earth the money has been spent adapting this movie when we still haven't had City of Angels news yet. Luckily (or unluckily where my social life is concerned) it was very much the former for me. 

I spent perhaps the first chapter feeling slightly confused and wondering what all the fuss was about.  If I'm honest, I think this was more to do with beginning the book during my lunch hour at work than the actual novel itself, as once I got home, got comfy and actually settled to read it, I was completely hooked. 

Veronica Roth has achieved something quite remarkable here, with a very believable take on a Dystopian future along with characters who are both charming and relatable. I am a big advocate for alternate universes, supernatural characters, magic and all the rest of it, but I am always left with a sense of disappointment when I've read the books, knowing that no matter how much I've enjoyed the story, it is physically impossible for a world like that to ever exist (I'm 22 and I'm still waiting for my Hogwarts letter). Although I wouldn't want to live in a society so divided as in Divergent, it is refreshing to read something that is plausible to an extent, and it's intriguing to get a new take on the possible future our society could face. 

With the move coming out soon, I'm not going to go too in depth as I don't want to reveal any spoilers! I will say however, that the film will definitely be worth checking out, especially if you're a fan of The Hunger Games or Battle Royale. If you are like me, and prefer to read the book before the adaptation arrives in cinemas, I would again recommend this without hesitation. 

Sunday 9 February 2014

Confessions of a Chelsea Boy - Spencer Matthews

 Ok so, I have a (not so) secret obsession with Made in Chelsea, which for all of you who haven't had the pleasure of viewing it, is a scripted reality show following a group of young, wealthy individuals and their experiences living in our vibrant capital city.

Spencer Matthews is often portrayed as a Lothario, leaving a trail of heat break and chaos wherever he goes. He is ultimately one of my favourite characters on the show, and not only because of his dashing good looks, therefore I was quite keen to give this a read as I suspected that a lot of his character is wrongly represented on the programme.

I will take a minute to say that if you're wanting perfectly constructed sentences, spot on grammar and an engaging narrative then this really isn't the book for you, and you are definitely going to be disappointed! Equally, if you're not a
fan of the show or Spencer himself I can't imagine you wanting to purchase the autobiography, but for those who are, it is definitely worth the read. 

I think it goes a long way into helping you understand what actually goes on in Spencer's head to make him act the way he appears to with regards to relationships, and it certainly reveals more about his past than I expected, leaving me to wonder how much of his personality is just bravado to cover up experiences he hasn't dealt with. 

I was curious to find out why exactly somebody of his age and life experiences would feel the need to write an autobiography, being as he's only a few years older than myself and I definitely would not have anything of worth to write about. I did however, find myself thoroughly enjoying the read, which I'm not exactly sure is something I should be enthusiastic about as I supposedly somewhat of a literary enthusiast and I would not describe this as fine literature!

To summarise, Confessions of a Chelsea Boy was a quick and easy read, no literary genius and not particularly well written; however, as a fan of Spencer Matthews and Made in Chelsea as a whole, I enjoyed it and would recommend it to like minded readers

Thursday 6 February 2014

The Hit - David Baldacci

The Hit - David Baldacci

One thing that you will come to realise over the course of reading this blog (if you make reading this blog a habit, which of course I hope that you do) is that my taste in books s nothing if not eclectic. Who wants to be predictable, however?

Crime/thriller fiction is definitely one of my favourite genres, I get so tied into the story and the characters and become obsessed with trying to solve the crime, which probably says more about my personality than I'd like to admit. Due to this, it is not uncommon to find me grabbing any crime thriller that catches my eye in the local bookshop/supermarket. This was one such time.

From reading the blurb, I have to say I had high expectations for this book, and whilst it did not disappoint completely, I definitely did not have the reading experience that I had anticipated, which greatly saddened me. I'm still looking for the book that can top 'I am Pilgrim' which I can safely say is the best thriller I have ever read, and is definitely up there in my top 20 of all time.

I found that I didn't get sucked into the story quick enough for my liking. I will admit here that I have never read any of David Baldacci's other novels, and didn't realise at the time of purchase that this was part of a series, and therefore when I began reading the characters and their relationships with one another had already been long established-this of course was something I then had to figure out for myself, which while not un-enjoyable, was certainly not ideal.

The writing itself was certainly good, I am one of those readers who will get driven to near insanity whilst reading a book written by an author whose grasp of the English language is lesser than my own, and despite the slow start I did find myself enjoying the narrative towards the end, however this was my main disappointment. The real 'nitty-gritty' action didn't start to hot up until the book came to a close, and I think this is really what let it down. I think this is also reflected in the time it took me to read the novel itself-a surprising 7 days, which is unheard of for me-the girl who can read several books a week on a regular basis.

To summarise, I did enjoy the book in my own way, however it took too long to ensnare me in the story and even towards the end I didn't care much for the characters. There were no essential plot twists that I didn't see coming a mile off, and although I did enjoy it I don't think I would read more of this series.


Tuesday 21 January 2014


My blog was looking awfully empty so I decided, whilst I am still in the process of gathering my ideas properly and editing the layout, I should make sure there was an introduction of sorts available for you to view.

My name for the purpose of this blog is Elle, I'm 21 from the UK and I am an avid reader and an aspiring writer. My dream would be to get into the publishing field and I'm excited to move to London next year to hopefully make this dream come true.

The aim of this blog is to review every book that I read this year. This may include books I've read before, series of books chronologically featured, well known books, fiction, non-fiction... the list is essentially endless. I'm really excited to begin this, even if I gain no readership it will be an interesting record for me at the end of the year to see exactly what I've read this year.