Tuesday 21 January 2014


My blog was looking awfully empty so I decided, whilst I am still in the process of gathering my ideas properly and editing the layout, I should make sure there was an introduction of sorts available for you to view.

My name for the purpose of this blog is Elle, I'm 21 from the UK and I am an avid reader and an aspiring writer. My dream would be to get into the publishing field and I'm excited to move to London next year to hopefully make this dream come true.

The aim of this blog is to review every book that I read this year. This may include books I've read before, series of books chronologically featured, well known books, fiction, non-fiction... the list is essentially endless. I'm really excited to begin this, even if I gain no readership it will be an interesting record for me at the end of the year to see exactly what I've read this year.